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    2003-2007 ag真人登录博士
    1993-1996 曲阜师范大学,数学系硕士
    1989-1993 曲阜师范大学,数学系本科


    1. Xue Yang, Yongmei Su*, Liangli Yang,Xinjian Zhuo,Global analysis and simulation of a fractional order HBV immune model, Chaos,Solitons and Fractals,2022.1,Vol.154, 11148 (SCI)
    2. Xue Yang,Yongmei Su* , Huijia Li and Xinjian Zhuo , Optimal Control of a Cellto-Cell Fractional-Order Model with Periodic Immune Responseb for HCV, SYMMETRY-BASEL, 2021. 13(11), (SCI)
    3. Liangli Yang,and Yongmei Su*, Xinjian zhuo, Comparison of two different types of
    fractional-order COVID-19 distributed time-delay models with real data application,
    International Journal of Modern Physics B ,Vol.35, 21, (SCI)
    4. Liangli Yang,Yongmeisu*, Analysis and Simulation of a Fractional Order Optimal Control Model for HBV, Journal of Function Spaces,Volume 2020, Article ID 8175217, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/8175217 (SCI)
    5. Liangli Yang, Yongmei Su*, Xue Yang and Zhen Wang, The optimal control strategyof virus transmission based on caputo-fabrizio order, frontiers in physics ,2021,vol.9,(SCI)
    6. Yongmei Su*, Lan Liu, Xiaoke Li, and Yongan Ye Analysis and Prediction
    about Treatment Effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine plus Entecavir for
    HBeAg Positive Chronic Hepatitis,2020,Journal Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology. (SCI)
    7. Yongmei Su ,Sinuo Liu, Shurui Song, Xiaoke Li, and Yongan Ye,Stability Analysis and Clinic Phenomenon Simulation of a Fractional-Order HBV Infection Model, Complexity Volume 2020, Article ID 8864403,(SCI)
    8. Yongmei Su*,Chen Jia,Ying Chen, Optimal Control Model of Tumor Treatment with Oncolytic Virus and MEK Inhibitor, BioMed Research International, vol. 2016, Article ID 5621313, 8 pages, 2016. doi:10.1155/2016/5621313. SCI,IF:2.134
    9. Yongmei Su*,Deshun Sun,Lei Zhao,Global analysis of ahumoral and cellular immunity virus dynamics model with theBeddington–DeAngelis incidence rate,Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences,2015,38:2984-2993.SCI,IF:1.002
    10. Yongmei Su*,Deshun Sun,Optimal control of ani-HBV treatment based on combination ofTraditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine,Biomedical Signal Processing and Control,2014,(15):41-48.SCI,IF: 1.521
    11. Su Yongmei*,Zhao Lei,Min Lequan,Analysis and simulation of an Adefovir anti-hepatitis B virus infection therapy immune model with alanine aminotransferase,IET Syst Biol.,2013,7(5):205-213. SCI,IF:0.764
    12.YongmeiSu ,Lequan Min , A Time-delay HBV Therapy Mathematical Model for Entecavir and Adefovir.,  International journal of infectious diseases, vol.15:p73. 2011.7 SCI, IF:2.229
    13. Da Yunwu, Yongmei Su, Deshun Sun, stability properties and hopf bifurcation for a hepatitis B  infection model with exposed state and humoral immunity respose delay , Commun. Math. Biol. Neurosci. 2015, 2015:25,ISSN: 2052-2541
    14. Dayun Wu, Yongmei Su, Dynamical behaviour of a delay differential equation of  Hepatitis B Virus,  2014 The 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB), 27-30. EI
    15. 赵蕾(硕士生),苏永美,闵乐泉,具有饱和发生率和免疫响应的病毒感染模型的稳定性分析改进,生物数学学报,29(2),2014,303-308.
    16. Lisha Liang , Yongmei Su,  Global analysis of a delay virus dynamics model with Beddington-DeAngelis incidence rate and CTL immune response, 2014 The 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB), 22-26. EI 2014
    17. 郑宇,闵乐泉,苏永美,季语,况阳Global Stability of Endemic Equilibrium Point of Basic Virus Infection Model with Application to HBV Infection Journal of Systems Science and Complexity. 2010, 23(6), 1221-1230. SCI
    18. Ji Yu, Min Lequan, Zheng Yu, Su Yongmei. A Viral Infection Model with Periodic Immune Response and Nonlinear CTL Response[J]. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 2010, 80(12), 2309-2316.  SCI
    19. Yongmei. Su, Lequan. Min and Yan.Meng, Proceeding of the 7th conference on Biological Dynamics System and Stability of Differential Equation II, 2010.(ISTP)
    20. Yongmei Su ,  Lequan Min , Global Analysis of a HBV Infection Model,Proceedings of the  5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011) Vol. 3 南京 2011.6.3-2011.6.6
    21. Yueting Wu, Yongmei Su, and Lequan Min, Properties of Stability for a HBV infection Model with time delay, Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Mathematical Biology (ICMB2011) Vol. 3南京 2011.6.3-2011.6.6
    22. 苏永美,闵乐泉,卓新建. 阿德福韦抗乙肝病毒感染治疗动力学模型. ag真人登录学报,2007, 29(6):647-650 (EI 073110725985)
    23. 苏永美, 闵乐泉,卓新建,抗乙肝病毒感染治疗动力学模型的改进与分析. 生物数学学报, 2007,22(5):961-968
    24. Lequan Min, Yongnei Su, Yang Kuang, Mathematical Analysis of a basic Virus Infection Model with Application to HBV Infection. In Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 38, No. 5, 2008,pp .1573-1585. SCI
    25. 季语,闵乐泉,苏永美,郑宇,具有饱和发生率的病毒感染模型的全局稳定性分析,数学的实践与认识,40(14)(2010), 121-125.

    1. 国家中医药管理局国家中医临床研究基地业务建设科研专项,JDZX2015299,抗乙肝病毒感染的数学模型及疗效预测研究,2016/01-2018/12,24万,主持。
    2. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金: 离散乙肝病毒动力学模型的理论与应用研究。2017.1-2017.12 10万,主持
    3. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金:基于临床试验的乙肝病毒动力学的研究,主持2010. 12 – 2012.12
    4. 国家自然科学基金《细胞神经网络的若干性质及部分应用的研究》(No. 60674059,2007.01-2009.12),主要研究人员
    5. 国家重大科技专项“艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治”“十一五”计划第一批课题 (No. 2008ZX10502-006),研究人员







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