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    信息安全 计算机取证


    1989.9-1993.7 河北师范大学 获得理学学士学位
    1993.9-1996.7 山东曲阜师范大学 获得理学硕士学位
    2003.10-2004.9 日本京都大学 日语学习
    2004.10-2009.3 日本京都大学 获得信息学博士学位
    2005.9-2006.3 日本京都大学工学研究科•Teaching Assistant
    2007.12-2009.3 日本京都大学学术****多媒体中心•Office Assistant
    2011.1-2011.3 香港大学•Research Assistant
    2012.6-2012.9日本东京电机大学 未来科学部 •Researcher


    2005.9-2006.3 日本京都大学工学研究科•Teaching Assistant
    2007.12-2009.3 日本京都大学学术****多媒体中心•Office Assistant
    2011.1-2011.3 香港大学•Research Assistant
    2012.6-2012.9日本东京电机大学 未来科学部 •Researcher


    1.教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目(No. 11140075) 3.5万元
    2.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助(No. 06108041) 5万元
    3.ag真人登录青年教师教学研究项目 (No. 00008627)0.3万元
    4.教育部直属高校外籍文教专家年度聘请计划 1.5万元

    Journal Articles:
    1.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Takashi Satoh, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh, "Integrating Fingerprint with Cryptosystem for Internet-Based Live Pay-TV System", Security and Communication Networks(Wiley International Journal), Vol.1, Issue 6, pp.461-472, November/December 2008.〔SCI 收录〕
    2.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Takashi Satoh, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh, “Fingerprinting Codes for Internet-Based Live Pay-TV System Using Balanced Incomplete Block Designs”, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Vol.E92-D, No.5, pp.876-887, May, 2009. 〔SCI/EI 收录〕
    3.Yoshitaka Morimura, Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Michihiko Minoh, “ Construction and Evaluation of Live Video Streaming System with Authentication by Broadcast Encryption over IP Multicast”, IPSJ Transactions, Vol.50, No.3, pp.1022-1031, March, 2009.(in Japanese)
    4.Yoshitaka Morimura, Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Michihiko Minoh, “Construction and Evaluation of a JFD System Equipped with Both High Distribution Capacity and Low Initial Cost for Internet Broadcasting”, IEICE Transactions B, Vol.J94-B, No.10, pp.1427-1439, October 2011.(in Japanese)
    International Refereed Conference and Workshop Papers:
    1.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, S.M. Yiu, Lucas C.K. Hui, K.P. Chow, “Privacy Preserving Confidential Forensic Investigation for Shared or Remote Servers”, 2011 Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.378-383, October 2011(Best Paper Award). 〔EI 收录〕
    2.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, S.M. Yiu, Lucas C.K. Hui, K.P. Chow, “Privacy Preserving Multiple Keyword Search for Confidential Investigation of Remote Forensics”, 2011 Third International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security, pp.595-599,November 2011. 〔EI 收录〕
    3.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, “A Content Providing System with Privacy Protection”, The International Conference on Multimedia Information Networking and Security (MINES 2010), pp. 912-917, November 2010. 〔EI 收录〕
    4.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Takashi Satoh, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh, “Integrating Fingerprint with Cryptosystem for Internet-Based Live Pay-TV System”, 2008 International Workshop on Multimedia Security in Communication (MUSIC'08), Hangzhou,China, August 2008. 〔EI /CPCI-S收录〕
    5.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh, “Fingerprinting Codes for Live Pay-Television Broadcast via Internet”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 4577, pp.252-261. (International Workshop MCAM 2007, Weihai, China, June/July 2007) 〔EI/CPCI-S 收录〕
    Conference Presentations in Japan:
    1.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Takashi Satoh, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh,”Integrating Fingerprinting and Cryptosystem for Internet-Based Live Pay-TV System”, IEICE Information Security (ISEC), May 2008.
    2.Shuhui Hou, Tetsutaro Uehara, Yoshitaka Morimura, Michihiko Minoh, “Fingerprinting Codes for Live Pay-Television Broadcast via Internet”, IPSJ Multimedia, Distributed, Cooperative, and Mobile Symposium(DICOMO2007), July 2007.
    3.Shuhui Hou, Masaaki Iiyama, Koh Kakusho, Michihiko Minoh, ” Watermarking 3D Mesh Models Using Affine Invariant Based on Local Shape Feature”, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, 2006-CG-125, Vol.2006, No.119, P.7-12, November 2006.
    4.Shuhui Hou, Masaaki Iiyama, Koh Kakusho, Michihiko Minoh, “Robust Watermarking for 3D Model against Cropping”, 2005 IEICE General Conference, P.10-10, March 2005. (in Japanese)
    5.Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Yoshitaka Morimura, “An Internet Video-broadcasting System Discouraging Unauthorized Redistribution by Digital Fingerprints”, The 6th Symposium of the Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, in Cooperation with International Multimedia Modeling Conference (MMM), January 2008
    6.Yoshitaka Morimura, Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Michihiko Minoh, “Construction and Evaluation of Live Video Streaming System with Broadcast encryption over IP Multicast”, Information and Communication Management (ICM/IOT), May 2008. (in Japanese).
    7.Masaki Imai, Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Yu Tsuda, Hajime Kita, The Proposal of a Document Management System to Specify the Source of Information Leakages, IPSJ SIG Technical Report, Vol.2011-CSEC-53, No.4, pp.1-6, May 2011. (in Japanese)
    8.Masaki Imai, Tetsutaro Uehara, Shuhui Hou, Hiroshi Ueda, Yu Tsuda, Hajime Kita, A Document Management System to Specify the Source of Information Leakages, the 29th Symposium on Cryptography and Information Security (SCIS2012), pp.1-8, Jan.30-Feb.2, 2012.





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